SHAWMAN, born Shawn R., emerged from the depths of a tumultuous upbringing in the Mescalero Apache and Crow tribes. Amidst the hardships within his family, consisting of parents and three older sisters, he found himself navigating the challenging streets, drifting from one shelter to another.

Fueled by a determination to break free from this life, SHAWMAN, at a pivotal age, immersed himself in the transformative power of art, poetry, music, tattoos, and body modification. These creative outlets became his sanctuary, offering solace from the pain and stress that defined his earlier years. Through this expressive journey, he discovered a profound connection with his soul, unveiling a purpose greater than his past struggles.

In a quest to share this revelation, SHAWMAN became a beacon of inspiration, advocating for the innate abilities and untapped power within every individual. A fervent activist, he stands at the forefront of movements such as MMIW, MMIP, MMIM, the decolonization, and landback initiatives. His commitment to enlightenment extends beyond personal growth, as he established the Boujee Native movement in 2023—a platform dedicated to nurturing and empowering indigenous artists and entrepreneurs worldwide.

SHAWMAN's story serves as a testament to resilience, urging others to pursue their dreams relentlessly. Through his artistry and activism, he strives to kindle the flames of ambition within the global indigenous community, fostering a future where dreams are not only pursued but realized.



Introducing L_BUGGY, the patchwork pirate, a resilient outcast and misfit who emerged from the mist amongst flame, descending a mile high at the foothills of the Rockies. He arrived alone and lit, embodying his own worst enemy yet poised to transcend adversity. Condemned by circumstance to the wrong place at the wrong time, he weathered the worst of the worst, only to find divine timing in his trials.

With ancestry rooted in the Osage and Cherokee nations, L_BUGGY carries the spiritual legacy of his forebears as he embarks on his journey. Through the labyrinth of struggle, self-torment, anxiety, depression, and addiction, he navigated a tumultuous path toward healing and self-love. Now, he extends an invitation to join him as he delves into the wisdom of earth teachings and seeks to awaken the inner child within himself and others. Skoden! Join L_BUGGY on his transformative odyssey, where resilience meets redemption and authenticity reigns supreme.